Process of Repentance

In Matthew chapter three, John the Baptist understood what it means to repent. I often hear the term repentance, but I've always wondered, "Do we understand how and what it means to repent?"

The Link

Our relationship with one another is like a link. We stay connected through prayer and unity. The biblical definition of a link is anything, whether material or not, that binds together, which creates a connected series and bond. 

The Christian Narcissist

A Christian Narcissist doesn't seem to go together. That's what I thought until I began studying God's word carefully. Narcissism is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs, often at the expense of others

The Importance of Fellowship

There is something special about dwelling together in unity. It's pleasant, and I'm sure, a sweet aroma in God's presence.

Barriers to Collaboration

Jesus Christ is not divided. He is whole, and the Body of Christ is whole. When we cannot collaborate, this is due to barriers that are in place to stop the Body of Christ from unifying. Satan places obstacles in the way to stop collaboration and unity between the saints of God.